Caper Aioli Chicken

A SALLYdoes Recipe

It all started in Jamaica…

My dreamy husband and I were on our honeymoon and enjoying every inch of that all inclusive resort. 😉 I am very adventurous when it comes to travel and he is very adventurous when it comes to eating. So it works! BUT- as you get to know me you will learn I have the WEIRDEST texture associations with food. Although capers might not be out of the norm for you- I had NEVER had them and I was imagining that eating capers would be similar to chewing on a contact lens. 🤔 So for my first caper experience my husband paired them with raw salmon. Y’all- who did he think he married? haha seriously though.

Ok Ok Ok. So I ended up trying it… and LOVED IT! Mr. Springob has a way of challenging me to CHILL and be in the moment with him. and there i was.. in the moment with that handsome man of mine enjoying something he enjoys; food. Now- when he wants to surprise me with something sweet & romantic … he pulls out the capers and pairs them with something yummy. We always spend that dinner grinning and talking about how much fun that trip was.

Do you have a favorite food or meal that sparks good memories for you and your loved ones?

You should try adding capers to it and see how it turns out.



Cowboy Caviar is every moms go to party dish through the summer!