Make sure you hear me say this… free guides ARE NOT a replacement for you hopping in a six week fat loss coaching group with me. You would benefit greatly from the coaching and education the FASTer Way to Fat Loss has to offer. PLUS when motivation fades- you will want my >extremely< motivating coaching skills to hold you accountable to your goals. I’ve got you covered friend!

However- it is not lost on me that there are certain personality types that want to gather the information first. Well my gathering friends… here you go! Give it a once over and then hop in the next 6 weight loss session with me.

MONTHLY GUIDES for my 100 pound journey

January 2023

intermittent fasting protocol quiz

February 2023

3 FREE meals & workout guides

March 2023

Hormone Hacks

April 2023

FREE Snack Guide

May 2023

5 day sample meal plan w/recipes

June 2023

Fast Food Guide