FASTer Way



How long is the FASTer Way?

The FASTer Way New Client Experience is a six-week group coaching program that combines cutting-edge nutrition, fitness, and total wellness strategies to have you looking and feeling your best. Through daily coaching you’ll learn step-by-step how to build a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

What is the FASTer Way VIP Membership?

If you’ve completed a New Client Round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss you need to be in VIP Membership! As a FASTer Way VIP you have access to all things FASTer Way: trainings, challenges, & continued coaching. VIP Membership is where you get to take your results to the next level.

How involved is my coach?

Extremely! haha. We are connecting daily to make sure you understand the strategies and are able to apply them to your personal lifestyle. I want you to feel confident in your food pairings, when making choices at restaurants and holiday parties. I want you to feel supported on your best days and your worst days. So 10.. I am ALL IN WITH YOU!

I am vegan/ gluten free/a picky eater- can I still do this?

Absolutely. We are working on taking the whole foods you do enjoy and currently eat, and building on that. It just takes a few small adjustments here and there to see big changes. All of the guides are gluten free and dairy free. We also offer an additional Vegan Meal guide. This program really is for EVERYONE- because everyone has to eat!

Do I need a gym membership?

Not at all! Never again. If you have one and love it- great! Keep going there and using their equipment to follow along with our workouts. We have strategically paired our workouts with our eating schedule so that you are optimizing your fat burning potential. As well as building lean strong muscles. You can access these on demand workouts via your FASTer Way App. You have a new strategically planned workout available each day. We offer body weight only, low impact and advanced options. We meet you where you’re at and build from there.

Do I need to purchase any shakes or supplements for this program?

No way! We keep our focus on whole food nutrition. Nothing works as good as effort, mindset, consistency and accountability. Throughout the program you will hear me reference protein powder and collagen as a way to fill the gap for your goals as needed. While I am happy to share the products we use and love, none of them are required to participate.

I have more than 40 pounds of weight to lose, can I do this program?

Heck YES! Many of the clients I work with have 50-100 lbs they want to lose and I, myself, have lost 100 lbs. So you are in good hands. We will navigate your journey together, one pound at a time. I will give you all my best tips and tricks. No matter if it’s 5 pounds or 150 pounds.. the fundamentals are the same. I meet you where you’re at and work on your personal goals.

When you join the FASTer Way you will:

Learn Strategic nutrition/exercise pairings. Combine the right food with the right workout each day to optimize your fat-burning prowess. Our simple, easy-to-follow meal plans are designed to help you forge new, smart eating habits to keep you on track to optimal health. Plus learn when to enjoy your favorite treats! Yes I said treatssssss. haha

Receive 6 weeks of science-backed strategies delivered in an accelerated format. You’ll learn all about FASTer Way’s strategies and how they work WITH your body, not against it. You’ll also learn about important health topics such as hormone health, stress, sleep, alcohol, and MORE!

Daily accountability and support. At the FASTer Way, we have it all - great coaching support to guide you through the programming, expert trainers to lead you in community workouts, and a supportive community of members around the world who are working on their goals right alongside you.