Are you ready? The coaching starts now! Mindset is everything.

As a behavior specialist for over 13 years, I have worked with hundreds of individuals on creating balance through habits and routines. Moving forward I want you to swap a few words in your daily vocabulary. This will trigger your brain to respond with purpose and not comfort.

This is overwhelming —> I can do hard things !

I am too busy —> When or where would this fit in the schedule?

I can’t —> Trying new things brings courage and confidence!

Most of the time we turn opportunities down because WE CAN’T add one more thing to our plate. I challenge you to swap- or shift- that way of thinking. Step outside of your comfort zone and try something new… learn something new.

After all.. if it doesn’t CHALLENGE YOU - it won’t change you. And, that’s what you’re here for.. . right?

Live your life strong, full of energy and feeling confident and in control of your health habits.

In this 6 week fat loss coaching program, you will be guided through the proven strategies to help find the balance that serves your needs best. You learn how to eat to burn fat and how to exercise to build strength. You will also have the most energized coach encouraging & celebrating you the WHOLE WAY!

FASTer Way with Coach Sally

This is a long term and sustainable solution to fat loss and wellness as a whole. Ditch the deprivation diets that have created a yo-yo relationship with weight and food. Find health solutions and food freedom that fit your lifestyle.

+ be held accountable by yours truly- MEEP! Ok .. so here’s what to expect:


01 — Food Focused

I like to keep the main thing the main thing. We all have to eat. Am I right? You will learn food pairing strategies that you can use anytime and anywhere. Yes, even when you travel! You will have easy to follow meal guides and grocery lists inside the app. I will also share all of my favorite tips and tricks when it comes to feeding your family on the go!

02 — Quick & Effective workouts

You will be so proud of how capable your body becomes. The workouts aren’t a have to for the program.. they are a get to. You get to use your body in new ways each week. Even though it takes several weeks for our friends to notice a change in us… the little ones inside our home will see it immediately. They will see you getting strong, momma, and they will see that they can be strong too.

03 — Coaching

Getting the incredible health education is so empowering. Then having it customized to fit your personal needs is NEXT LEVEL. That’s what I bring to the table as your coach… NEXT LEVEL energy, coaching, work ethic, training, accountability, value, education, support & MORE. Stacking wins is what we do .. TOGETHER.

Have a few questions?

Check out the FASTer Way FAQs Page

Theresa C. - ambassador

“I started with extra weight gained through COVID and following extensive ankle surgery and I was bloated all over. I needed to feel better and be healthier as I turn 60 this year. I have less inflammation and I have lost inches even if I couldn’t do much of the exercise. I sleep better, my attitude is better and happier, I feel Some of my clothes fitting better and I see inflammation going down in my face. I will DEFINITELY live the FASTer Way lifestyle and encourage others, too. It’s a great choice!”

New Client Experience

The FASTer Way New Client Experience is a six-week group coaching program that combines cutting-edge nutrition, fitness, and total wellness strategies to have you looking and feeling your best. Through daily coaching you’ll learn step-by-step how to build a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.


VIP Coaching Membership

If you’ve completed a New Client Round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss you need to be in VIP Membership! As a FASTer Way VIP you have access to all things FASTer Way: trainings, challenges, & continued coaching. VIP Membership is where you get to take your results to the next level.


Whether you think you can or you think you can’t…. You are right.

It’s all in the mindset! .. what you think about.. you bring about. That means- It is important to keep a positive mindset. And not just with this, but with everything in life. Don’t focus on the things you can’t do right now - start acting on the things you can do right now. Small adjustments over time add up to BIG results. Start getting use to stacking wins when you have a winning mindset.

The truth is… I really want another friend to celebrate.

Let’s start stacking wins TOGETHER!