Follow my 100 lb. fat loss journey.

How I lost the weight- had my cake and ate it too.

Most people will look at this before and after and only be able to see the visible difference.

And yes-

LOSING 100 pounds is an incredible accomplishment… but everything I GAINED is so much more important than what I lost.

The girl on the left was O V E R W H E L M E D! I was smiling just so I wouldn’t cry. I avoided people and places that I loved… because I had gained so much weight. I was always anxious and exhausted. Embarrassed to do anything because the state of my health made me feel like I wasn’t capable. I had NO ENERGY and had told myself this is just my new reality. I would even skip meals in hopes of not being “fat” anymore!

Is this how you’ve treated yourself during one of the most vulnerable times of your life too?

I was scared.

... I mean - in my head about everything, type of scared.

scared to sit down at a party .. In fear of the chair breaking.

scared to be the first one to grab my plate.. in fear that they were watching “the fat girl eat”.

scared to go to family functions or other gatherings .. in fear of someone taking my picture.

scared to put down the sodas and chips.. in fear of not enjoying the foods that would be good for my body.

scared to tell anyone that I was scared… in fear they might view me as a pathetic person who “did this to themselves”.

I was scared that I had pushed my body too far in the wrong direction and there was no coming back from that. Can you relate?

Then I made a decision!

& that changed E V E R Y T H I N G.

I focused on PROGRESS not perfection.

I made a few adjustments to my habits and put my focus there instead of the scale. Then educated myself on what my body ACTUALLY needed to THRIVE. Paid close attention to my hormones and how balanced I felt. Shifted my mindset to seeing food as FUEL not FAT. The biggest adjustment was speaking kindly to myself and finding a group of women that would encourage me.

I gained more energy, confidence, strength, positivity, better sleep, and finally had an overall sense of awareness of my body and the hormones that drive this beautiful vessel.

My smile was back and this time it was REAL!

So I did the next obvious thing.. I got certified to Coach! What an eye opening experience this has been. We are all way more alike than we openly share. We all have a desire to feel better, and do better for the longevity of our health. We also all have a crap ton of responsibilities pulling us in every direction. That’s why when you register and show up for yourself- WE CELEBRATE YOU!

If you have been feeling stuck - then this message is for YOU my sweet friend! Everything I do is for you.. even those ridiculous instagram reels. have you seen those things yet? (giggles) Go check them out at the top.

You can move mountains… one stone at a time!

Be sure to….

Follow along with our

fun family adventures and



If you are still reading, you know I love sharing my journey in hopes of encouraging someone else. HOWEVER, I am really here to get to know you.

What makes you laugh? Let’s find more of that- together. What are your goals and your dreams. If you had no weight or physical limitations . . . what is the O N E T H I N G you would love to do? THAT!? That is what we are going to chase.. not that dang stupid number on the scale. (insert eye roll) Okaaaayyyy?

If you are scared - find comfort in the support here!! I’m not going anywhere. You have found the chair that WON’T break on you.

If you are obsessed with your family and love to go on new adventures... you are my people!


Although a majority of what I want to bring you is helpful content for your own personal health journey; I also want to share some of my family fun adventures along the way. Check out my blog, grab the free guides & then come CELEBRATE each beautiful and adventurous moment with me and my crew.

Nothing will work unless you do!

Motivation comes from within — and we are here to help YOU activate it.