Isn’t it time to work with a health coach who understands a 100+ weight loss journey?

I see you!

You have tried every program and trendy plan under the sun, you are the opposite of lazy and you are just so tired of nothing working for you.

How do I know?

Because I was you and now it is my life’s mission to share this program with as many 200+ pound women as possible.

Confidence, accomplishment, and energy are waiting for you.

I know you

I know you are not lazy. You are an excellent wife, mother, friend, and sister. You would do anything you can for others and you can follow the steps, as long as the steps are doable and leave room for life to be lived.

You love who you are and now it is time for your outsides to reflect your insides.

 It is time to say goodbye to:

  • Hating how you look in photographs

  • Believing you don’t have what it takes

  • Using excuses like “if I just had the time”

  • Being afraid to sit on plastic outdoor furniture

  • Following fitness accounts without taking action

  • Avoiding mirrors

And it is time to start:

  • Standing proudly in the center of photos

  • Swimming and playing in the pool with your kids

  • Feeling sexy

  • Loving movement

  • Knowing exactly how to fuel your body

  • Not only being the “fun friend”, but the hot and fashionable friend too!

Introducing the FASTer Way to Fat Loss

The most scientifically proven digital fitness program with the top coach in the industry.

  • 6-week group coaching, Daily check-ins, and 1:1 coaching with Coach Sally Springob through private accountability app or text to keep you accountable, consistent and motivated.

  • Daily education and weekly live trainings so you can understand the science behind the principles of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss.

  • Customized macros to fit your health goals. Wether you want to lose weight, gain muscle or both. You’ll know exactly what to eat and how much to reach your goals.

  • Daily 30-minute workouts that can be done from your living room or your favorite gym.

  • Weekly meal plans that can be followed to a “T” or used as inspiration.

  • The FASTer Way to Fitness App so you can have everything you need to make lasting success in the palm of your hand

  • Me, Sally Springob as your coach, who has been there and done that when it comes to a 100+ weight loss goal. Not only have I lost the weight but kept it off too. And now it is my goal to share this program with thousands of 200+ pound women.

Imagine having the right plan to help you enjoy life and food while losing weight and gaining lean athletic looking muscles. Not only will you feel a sense of accomplishment having a plan that is easy to stick to, but you will love the way you look and feel in your clothes. It is time for you to get your groove back. Everyone better watch out because your outsides are about to match your incredible insides! You are going to finally capture those sweet moments with your family in a picture and LOVE THEM!

Snag my FREE 4 step protocol to get started on your 100 pound fat loss journey.

Then be sure to grab a spot in my next private coaching class. That is where the mindset work happens to help you stay consistent and get BIG results.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • After the initial six weeks of the program you will be feeling energized and like you can take on the world! This is perfect because 6 weeks is great, but I know you have more you want to accomplish. You will have the opportunity to join my exclusive, VIP community. The VIP community is filled with guest trainings, bonus resources, continued accountability and monthly pop-up challenges! The cost of VIP is $79 a month and you can cancel at any time (but you won’t want to, pinky promise)

  • Let me assure you, you are 100% in the right place. This is exactly what I do, help women who have over a 100 lb weight loss journey see success. I began this program in 2020 and have lost and kept off over 100 lbs of weight. This is the only program to ever work for me and I never plan on going back.

  • Girl, same! Come to think of it, I don’t know one woman in my life who is not juggling 57 different calendars, engagements, work commitments, etc at any given moment. What I know for sure, is life is not going to slow down for you to focus on your health. It is up to you to make that decision and let your family know this is important. I don’t cook multiple meals. I share all my time-saving tips and tricks. And what I hear most from clients is the FASTer Way actually adds back time to their day because of the shorter workouts, the simple meals I share, and the energy they gain. I am ready if you are!

  • I love this question! You and I can agree that life is meant to be lived and I want you to live it to it’s fullest. Which is going to include big celebrations and travel. I think the best time to practice healthy habits is when you have accountability. When you register you and I will be able to formulate a plan so you can enjoy your event to its fullest while also making sure you have the energy to enjoy every moment! In my opinion, now is the perfect time to join.

  • I would love to help you build habits one at a time so they are lasting and sustainable. Every workout has multiple modifications for every skill and ability level. I have had clients see massive success without completing any of the 30-minute workouts the entire time. You are welcome at any stage, you just have to get started!

The FASTer Way to Fat Loss is for you if:

  • You want to love the way you look in photographs

  • You are ready to get your real smile back

  • You want to stop making excuses to not play with your kids

  • You are sick of asking for a seatbelt extender on a plane

  • You are not consistently working out

  • You have tried all the things and never get lasting results

  • You need a program that fits into your busy life and schedule

  • You have over 50-100 lbs to lose

  • You know you are not lazy, but actually an incredibly hard worker

  • You are ready for a life change

The girl on the left was O V E R W H E L M E D!  I was smiling just so I wouldn’t cry. I avoided people and places that I loved… because I had gained so much weight.  I was always anxious and exhausted. Embarrassed to do anything because the state of my health made me feel like I wasn’t capable. I had NO ENERGY and had told myself this is just my new reality. I would even skip meals in hopes of not being “fat” anymore!

I was scared. 

...  I mean - in my head about everything, type of scared.

scared to sit down at a party .. In fear of the chair breaking.

scared to be the first one to grab my plate.. in fear that they were watching “the fat girl eat”.

scared to go to family functions or other gatherings .. in fear of someone taking my picture.

scared to put down the sodas and chips.. in fear of not enjoying the foods that would be good for my body.

scared to tell anyone that I was scared… in fear they might view me as a pathetic person who “did this to themselves”.

I focused on PROGRESS not perfection.

I made a few adjustments to my habits and put my focus there instead of the scale. Then educated myself on what my body needed to THRIVE.  Paid close attention to my hormones and how balanced I felt. Shifted my mindset to seeing food as FUEL not FAT.  The biggest adjustment was speaking kindly to myself and finding a group of women that would encourage me.

I gained more energy, confidence, strength, positivity, better sleep, and finally had an overall sense of awareness of my body and the hormones that drive this beautiful vessel.

My smile was back and this time it was REAL!

So I did the next obvious thing..  I got certified to Coach!  What an eye-opening experience this has been. We are all way more alike than we openly share.  We all have a desire to feel better, and do better for the longevity of our health.  We also all have a crap ton of responsibilities pulling us in every direction.  That’s why when you register and show up for yourself- WE CELEBRATE YOU!

If you have been feeling stuck - then this message is for YOU my sweet friend!  Everything I do is for you.. even those ridiculous instagram reels. Have you seen those things yet? (giggles) Go check them out at the top.


I bet you could have a nutrition degree with all you know about food and fitness from all the programS you have tried. Isn’t it time to try a program that is designed for you to see success?

It is time to stop researching and planning. It is time to take action!

“I started this program because I had tried so many and failed. I saw the results on others that had used it and decided to give it a try. I needed to shed some pounds that hit me at menopause. I tried cutting back food, increasing exercise and nothing would budge.

Now after going through FASTer Way, I feel so much better. My mind is no longer fuzzy, the inches are dropping off regularly, I’m eating more healthy food so I don’t have the hunger swings I used too. Others are constantly commenting on my body shape and weight changes they are noticing. I love it! I will be sticking with this method so I don’t go back to what I was and how I felt.”

— Current Client

“FASTer Way started with a conversation with my Coach Sally. She would reach out every so often on Instagram & it got my wheels spinning. We were going to be headed to the beach in July & I wanted to shed some pounds before we go. I took the plunge & joined the 6 week challenge the day before it started because I was in the fence about it. I showed up for myself for 6 weeks in ways I haven’t in years. I put in the work! The results in 6 weeks speak for themselves! My body & mind feel so much better by incorporating Whole Foods in my diet. I cannot wait to see how many body continues to change week to week in the VIP program. Anyone on the fence about joining the FASTer Way, take the plunge! The support you receive from your coach is phenomenal. You won’t regret it!!!”

— Current Client

Different aspects of my personal life were extremely stressful. I did not have control over them. We had just had a failed adoption- it was consuming me. I needed to focus my time, effort, and the little energy I had on something I could control. I reached out to Sally and just signed right up. I told her my main goal was to LEARN. And boy did I! I love the slow, and steady approach. I love the motto progress over perfection. If I was willing to take the things I was learning and apply them, the progress came in abundance. I’ve tried countless other “programs” before. None come close to the victories I’ve had with FasterWay. I can’t wait to start VIP now!

— Current CLient

“I learned so much about fasting, prepping and tracking meals, drinking more water. The biggest change for me is I’m way less bloated and feel like I have more energy. Awareness and sustainability is key. I lost pounds, and inches. Coach Sally is amazing! She keeps you accountable and is so helpful and encouraging!”

— Current Client

“This program really can be a game changer for those who have “tried it all” and failed at meeting goals. It works on every aspect of losing weight and feeling healthy.”

— Current Client