in the waiting…

I am a 34 year old woman who had been “overweight” and uncomfortable my entire life. Despite my many attempts to “stay on track” with eating right, counting calories, and working out often… it just never lasted more than a “season”. I would either run out of money for the product, run out of time for the gym, or I would run out of motivation for the food options. Everything felt so restrictive. So, I would quit the program, gain the weight back over time plus 10 more pounds. I would be left devastated and once again desperate for the NEXT BEST THING. —> Insert the confidence damaging cycle of yo yo dieting that would take place in my life from ages 15-32 years old!

Then In 2019 I gave birth to my beautiful daughter. After gaining 40 pounds during pregnancy- I was eager to get that weight off and get back to feeling like me. Like most first time moms, I was also struggling to manage all the new things. Plus I was suffering from postpartum anxiety that I didn’t even realize I had. I didn’t lose a single pound during that first year… In fact.. I gained another 35 pounds. Y’all I was a mess and completely destroyed with how I looked and felt- and that wasn’t even the worst part. My health was out of control. I was suffering from migraines 15 days out of the month. My cycles were not consistent and my stomach issues were miserable. Constantly feeling sick every time I ate. I was not sleeping well and I had zero energy to take care of my already overwhelmed life.I just figured this was my new normal… and then I saw a picture of myself.

I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t even recognize myself. I spent the next few weeks anxious and scared. Praying and searching for something to turn this all around for me. That’s when I first started noticing people talking about Intermittent Fasting and whole food nutrition. I tried a few things on my own first.. then linked up with a coach.. and over the course of 2 years I have lost and kept off 95+ lbs. I stayed consistent with the fundamentals and I used time to stack wins instead of using time for excuses. That’s all it took was time. In that time of waiting- I was still. Not in action.. but in desire. It’s in the waiting that I learn the most about myself and the truth of my situation.

I learned that I can do hard things. I am stronger and more capable than I think. I learned that I let my mind talk me out of things that I truly want to do. Then I miss out. So I had to learn to take my thoughts captive. I learned to put things in place that kept me disciplined and focused on the truth and positive thoughts. It took time to learn these things.. but guess what.. I had time! Because I was in the waiting of my results. Do you get it? Quit putting such a restrictive timeline on your goals. Do the work.. wait for the results.. and learn something about yourself in the waiting.

You will be surprised at how amazing you truly are….


Coach Sally